I wanted to thank you for the help you provided with breastfeeding my son. He was born at a healthy weight of 4 kgs but lost a lot of weight in the days after he was born, and he wasn't putting it back on quickly enough. My paediatrician was very worried but the only advice I received was to stop breastfeeding and express for 2 weeks to give my (very) damaged nipples a rest. This was not what I wanted to do, and after I saw you for a lactation consultation - I didn't have to! You gave me options about positions, latching techniques, syringe feeding and expressing that gave me the confidence to carry on breast feeding. This support and information also helped me to get the right creams to heal the granulomas and cracks on my nipples.

Over the following weeks, my son reached his birthweight and has continued to grow (he is now over 7 kgs at 13 weeks) to the point where I looked at him recently and thought 'I can't believe we were worried about you putting on weight!'. If I meet a mother who mentions that they are having issues breast feeding, I immediately recommend that they contact you and the team at Mother & Child as soon as possible. Many thanks for all your support.

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Meredith and Alex