New Mothers Get Together course

Wonderful class for new mums & babies to bond, learn and discuss child development.

Mums and babies who attend the sessions become lifelong friends!

Four 2-hour sessions

$220 per mother


Being a new mother can be a fun and yet daunting experience. Mother & Child offers the New Mothers Get Together course for new mothers with babies from about 4 weeks to 6 months. The Get Together is facilitated by an experienced Health Professional. The course provides a host of information along with a social support network of new mothers in the same situation. Guest speakers such as a Paediatrician, Family Doctor, Perinatal counsellor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath and Paediatric dietitian are often invited to speak on the course.


When should you have the session?

When your baby is 4 weeks old up to 6 months


2 hours a week for four weeks


  • New Mothers Get Together course facilitated by a Health Professional

  • Guest speakers invited such as a Paediatrician, Family Doctor, Perinatal Counsellor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath and Paediatric Dietitian

  • Whats-app group for new mums to stay in touch and support each other. Our new mums love it!

Course Content:

The course is structured in four sessions. The topics of interest include;

Class 1

Introduction to the programme, the facilitator, each other. Our birth experience.

Class 2

The Early weeks, Normal growth and milestones, Reducing the risk of SIDS, Crying, Normal sleep pattern

Class 3

Common mother and infant problems and illnesses. For Moms (Breastfeeding problems, Postpartum depression, Pelvic floor exercises). For baby (Common minor ailments, When your baby is ill, Immunisation)

Class 4

Traveling with baby, Going back to work, Relationships, Resources


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